Are you dreading returning back to the office after lockdown?

Katerina Lazaridou • 7 July 2021
You are not alone! Various surveys suggest more than two thirds of employees are anxious about their transition back to the workplace. 
Although there are quite a few companies that have postponed their return for the Fall, and all with the proviso that no other lockdowns will be coming their way, there are increasing calls from CEOs of large multinationals and Financial Institutions that publicly state the merits of a return to the workplace. 
There are huge considerations about Employees’ Health and Safety , and the intricate logistics of who to bring back first and when, in order to ease headcount from day 1. A survey by PWC found that only one in five CFOs believe that their companies could resume business as usual within a month, if they could all go back tomorrow. 
Boards of Directors and senior management have the primary role to navigate the task of returning to the workplace as smoothly as possible, but without employees accepting those well laid plans, all can run into trouble.

Flexibility and Empathy
It is important for Employers to actually listen to what their individual employees need for their wellbeing. It will certainly backfire, if the plans are to return to a pre-covid era, where no lessens were learnt from this experience. Employees want flexibility offered, in order to accommodate each individual’s needs. Some may face their shifts altered but due to their personal circumstances requiring for example daycare make the new shift regime impossible. Other office workers may value the work life balance, saving from long commutes, whereas others may want to return to a more structured workday, but want to be clear on what’s been asked of them and what their employers have done to protect their health.
Some employers have already announced some changes, like Fridays off, two-three days off with two-three days onsite, one month in a year working remotely from any location in the world, or unlimited leave (ie. Netflix and Deloitte), to name a few. 

Communication to senior management of your individual circumstances is key, for your successful return. State clearly the benefits of your chosen way of work both to yourself but the company as well (ie. less commute, more productivity). Companies want to retain their employees’ loyalty and commitment and will want to adhere to their wellbeing. Those that do not, will have to face disillusionment, less productivity and eventual loss of employees.  

Positive Vibes
As you will be interacting with a lot more people, a positive attitude and good planning can ease your anxiety. You can start connecting with a smaller group of coworkers, outside the office space, in order to establish connections again and make the first days back less awkward. Setting your personal boundaries and be mindful of your stress triggers can help. The transition adjustment may take a while, so allow yourself time to adjust back to a more regular workday. Focusing on the potential positives, like team interactions and reduced loneliness, will also help.  
From your career perspective, it will definitely show how flexible you can also be and manage transitions well.  
Stay Positive!!

30 June 2020
During these past couple of months, and as Europe immerses out of lockdown all scared and substantially scarred from the human loss and economic consequences, I am often asked “What now in terms of jobs lost?”. My immediate thought is that we must turn these unprecedendent times from challenges into possibilities. Are you feeling anxious about what your future holds in your existing career? Have you been put on hold, unsure of the next steps the company you work in will take? You may have just completed your school or university and looking for your first step, or you may have lost your job. Have a look at these four areas you can focus on: 1. Optimism Although all economic predictions are bleak and you may find yourselves unsure about the future, a positive attitude is a must. It all depends on what experience you want to have during this period. It can be either a miserable one, shrugging your shoulders saying to yourself that everyone is in this situation, waiting for a miracle and someone to call you or knock at your door with a job offer or a more realistic approach, where you are proactive, taking your career journey in your hands and work on your next steps forward. We all need to move forward and evolve. A small pause, to take stock of what was happening around us, was necessary and common. But sitting back and procrastinating thereafter, may be to our detriment, losing out of opportunities. There is certainly something for everyone out there, and therefore the mindset should move from what you lost (if you lost your job or any good leads you had lined up to get one), to what skills you have gained so far in order to build on them and move forward. 2. Adaptability & Flexibility The world and circumstances change rapidly, as the recent pandemic has clearly proved. Therefore, we need to continually update and refresh our skills in order to widen our opportunities. This period of self reflection can result in redefining who you are and what you do for work. The first step would be to take stock of how you feel, what you value and what you have gained from your past experiences so far. Questions like “What am I good at?”, “What was my greatest success so far?”, “Why should others be led my me or employ me?”, “What do I know that they don’t?” should give some more clarity and insight towards new opportunities that you may have not thought of. Repositioning yourself, identifying what can be used in other fields of work can result in a new role in a totally new industry, a career transition. For example, a waiter in the hospitality sector has developed skills like verbal communication, teamwork, customer service, high energy and physical strength, persistence, basic math, professionalism among others. A parent after a long break to raise a child, has good time management and organisational skills, is multi tasking, has good written and verbal communication, emotional intelligence among many other attributes. 3. Life Long Learning We often hear that the careers of the future will be built on constant learning. Lifelong learning is important if we are to evolve and remain relevant in our career journey. Broadening our skills set should never stop! We are fortunate to have so much free content online, a source of such breadth of knowledge in every field. Webinars abound, along with video presentations from sector specific platforms, can give you a more personal account of what a specific job or sector entails. Online IT training, for example in Excel or Powerpoint, from well known multinationals, can provide that next advanced knowledge we require for our dream job. Reports indicating the advancements of AI (artificial intelligence) and a clear increase in demand for people with more advanced IT knowledge, can open more opportunities, like Programming and Coding, Data Analysis, Virtual Reality Applications, Digital Marketing. Creativity and Innovation are also critical skills to develop. History has shown us that in periods of recession, a significant number of companies outperform because they invest in new growth areas. In the case of current pandemic, technology has allowed online education, remote access for most businesses, online orders in retail or hospitality in order to limit face to face interactions. Even Mercedes F1 has moved its operations into producing ventilators! We all adjust, innovate and grow. Whether you are seeking your next promotion or you want to move to a new role or new industry, lifelong learning will provide those skills you need for that next step. Practicing those skills is equally important. Experience can be gained through volunteering, entering into competitions or even shadowing someone who has that role already. 4. Promote your own brand It is important to be aware of the impact you have to those you meet, either at interviews or any type of presentations. It is crucial to show you care and that you put some effort. On the other end of the spectrum, you have to acknowledge the difference between confidence and arrogance. So always do your research, practice your first approach when you approach others. The above apply also to the digital image we give out. That first sentence we write describing ourselves at Linkedin is that first impression we give when we meet someone in person. All social media and groups we join have to be regularly audited so that we ensure we give the impression we want to the outside world. Following a role model or a mentor at your current work can be an invaluable source of insight and advice. Reading about people you admire and their career path can also be motivating and insightful. Joining industry specific platforms and share your profile (ex Workathlon for the hospitality sector), can help to widen your connections. Think about this period as one of inner reorientation, where you experience the world differently and opens you up to transformation. This way you will be ready for new beginnings. I wish you good health, persistence and resilience in these difficult times! *Image courtesy of
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